
11-14 вересня 2018, G-I-N 2018 Abstracts Book
Creation of single information space for health care providers in Ukraine (11.2 MБ) (Завантажено: 25.01.2021 08:41:43)//O. Lishchyshyna, V.Khachaturian, I. Rubtsova
Порівняння практики розробки та впровадження клінічних настанов
Ліщишина О.М., Степаненко А.В., Мельник Є.О., Рубцова Є.І.// Український медичний часопис. 2018-01-03.
13-16 вересня 2017, Global Evidence Summit Abstracts (5.5 MБ) (Завантажено: 25.01.2021 08:41:43)
Management of Vascular Anomalies and Hip Dysplasia in Children According to International
Recommendations//Melnyk I., Lishchyshyna O.
Clinical guidelines as a source of evidence-based information about the appropriate use of OTC drugs//Shylkina O., Lishchyshyna O., Rubtsova I.
Development of medical and tecnhological documents on standardisation of medical care in cardiovascular
diseases in Ukraine//Lishchyshyna O., Melnyk I., Netyazhenko N.
Registry of medical and technological documents as a database of evidence-based medicine in Ukraine
(Registry of MTD)//Lishchyshyna O., Khachaturyan V.
Implementation of modern medical knowledge in management of patients with hepatitis B in Ukraine//Lishchyshyna O., Migel O.